Monday, January 18, 2010

My testimony

I'm excited about writing this, but before I start, I'll admit I'm also very aware that some of my readers have different beliefs.  Even amongst Christians I'm quite different.  Still, here's my true story, the most important one I can tell about myself.  It feels exciting and risky posting this, but I'm doing it with good intentions, in the spirit of honesty and sharing my real self with you, the reader.  My aim is not to judge others, criticise, generalise or preach.  I'm just telling my story.

Growing up my family sometimes went to church, but not regularly.  For scripture I was in the 'Church of England' classes.  I believed in God, liked faith-based stories, but put more time into my own thoughts about the meaning of life, enjoyed star signs etc., and had all kinds of ideas about how to explain my existence.  I didn't know who I was, or why I was here, and just got on with life as best as I could, with the 'usual' ups and downs.  I was a dreamer, perfectionist, studious, mostly serious, insecure, caring, a bookworm, loved my family, hated peer divisions, tried to blend in and be unexceptional.  It's only in recent years that I've found answers to the many questions I had, that no amount of escapism, adventure, travel, introspection, or research could help with.

My life has radically changed twice.  Once, when I was 17 and decided to 'give my heart to the Lord'.  When I moved to a small city for Uni and work, I went to a church hoping to make friends, which I did, but I also found the Lord.  So I stayed to learn as much as I could, got involved and tried to obey God.  I was saddened by hypocrisy in myself and many churches about how 'Christians' lived, often disobeying the Bible, and abusing the Lord's forgiveness.

The next big change came in the year 2000.  By then I was 25, married then divorced, teaching in a boarding school, and renting a cottage on a farm.  Back home, Mum started going to a church which I initially thought was a cult, and I (being the 'religious expert', ha ha), went to rescue her!!  At a small meeting, at Mum's place, I realised there WAS a church which followed the Bible 100%.  It was obvious to me throughout the choruses, talk and spiritual gifts, this was what I'd been waiting for.  After supper I prayed for and received the Holy Spirit, with evidence of speaking in tongues, a gift from God and unique prayer language.  That weekend I obeyed the Biblical call to be baptised by full immersion, and went back home.  A group from the same church were meeting at a town 1 hour drive away, and that's where I went a few times a week, until I moved up the coast, where I now live closer to church and have an incredible life I never could have imagined!

Since 2000, some amazing things have happened to me, which I give full credit to the Lord for:

-  healings at particular times, through prayer - from depression, anxiety, sinusitis, back pain, several viruses, headaches and more.

-  my marriage is THE BEST - I didn't want to make any more mistakes with trusting men, so I prayed "Lord, if you want me to be married again, you'll have to hit me over the head, because I'm not looking!"  And so I was stunned when I met Pete, who shared my faith, and before we even could chat comfortably (did I mention I was shy?) I knew he was 'the one'.  We are now married with two wonderful children, and it's no exaggeration that we are both truly thankful and know we are incredibly blessed.

-  overseas revival - we've travelled to Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu, and have seen first hand what is happening in dozens of other countries.  It's a story in itself ... people coming to salvation by the droves, lives changed, amazing healings of the worst diseases, all as the Bible promises.

- answers - since my baptism I've gradually, REALLY known the answers to some of my questions, which before I could THINK about theoretically, but didn't have peace about personally.  Low self esteem took time to heal, and it took a while for me to fully comprehend and accept the Lord's love and purpose for me.  I still enjoy discovering new aspects of the life he's given me, for now and forever.

That's my story, as much as I have time to write now, anyway.
I don't know my future, but I know it's in His hands.
In life there will be trials, but I know where to look for help.
I get excited about many aspects of my life, and talk about them a lot,
but my salvation and relationship with the Lord is the most precious possession I have.

I'd be selfish if I didn't add this, and if you've read this far, this invitation shouldn't surprise you.  If you want to know more, or to find a 100% Bible-based church, let me know in comments, and I'll give you contact details, wherever in the world you live.


  1. I enjoyed reading about this aspect of your life. As you know, I'm not a believer, but I respect everyone's different beliefs. Diversity is good :)

  2. Thanks Kez. I'm glad to have written this post.

  3. I love to read about who others found Jesus. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with those of us in blogland. I really enjoyed hearing the overview of your life and how God has revealed Himself to you over the years.



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